
For many of us, Songwriting is a solitary pursuit. Locked away in the basement with your guitar and your lyric sheets trying to weave together the perfect song. Never seeing the light of day, never getting outside of your own head! It doesn't have to be that way. There is a lot of ways for us songwriters to come into the light. Hang with like minded people. Get feedback on the songs we are working on, learn from one another, and perhaps most importantly feel you are not alone in this. Gosh, sounds like I'm describing a support group for a horrible disease! But the analogy is similar... being part of a community of songwriters is a great way to help you take your songs to the next level. Sometimes just the idea that you are going to play your precious song you've been slaving over is enough impetus to finally rework that second verse and eliminate the sketchy rhyme you've been neglecting.